Foreign Relations

The State of C++ Interop in D

Monday 2022-08-01 - London - Mathias 'Geod24' LANG


  • Examples from BPFK (🇰🇷)
  • Views are my own, not my employer, present or past

BPFK: Why D?

  • Strongly typed system programming language
  • Prototype to production in no time
  • Best C++ integration, great C integration

Prototyping Agora

  • C++ code
  • Go implementation

Supported features

  • Pretty much everything
  • class / struct, ref, pointers, const, nothrow...
  • Templates (!)
  • Operator overloads (!!)
  • Exceptions (!!!)

Step 0: Organization

+ agora
|- dub.json
|- source/agora
|- source/scpd
|- source/scpp

Step 1: Build system

    "preGenerateCommands": [
        "$DUB --verbose --single scripts/build_scpp.d"
    "sourceFiles-posix": [
    "sourceFiles-windows": [

    "versions": [ "_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX98_ABI" ],
    "dflags": [ "-extern-std=c++17" ],
    "lflags-posix": [ "-lstdc++" ],

Step 2: Know your target

  • CppRuntime_Clang => OSX, Linux, Windows
  • CppRuntime_Gcc => Linux (OSX in the future?)
  • CppRuntime_Microsoft => Windows

Step 3: The simple stuff

extern(C++) struct Foo { int a; }
extern(C++) void func1 (ref const(Foo) f);

extern(C++) void func2 (const(Foo*) f);

extern(C++) void func3 (const(Foo**) f);
struct Foo { int a; };
void func1 (Foo const& f);

void func2 (Foo const* f);
// void func2 (Foo const* const f);

void func3 (Foo const* const* f);

It is D code: Follow D rules


extern(C++, "dlang", "awesome", "app") void awesomeFunc ();
// Don't do this:
extern(C++, void lessAwesome ();
static assert(        lessAwesome.mangleof ==;

Smarter namespaces

version (CppRuntime_Clang)
    enum StdNamespace = AliasSeq!("std", "__1");
    enum StdNamespace = "std";

// Mind the parenthesis!
public extern(C++, (StdNamespace)) struct equal_to (T = void) {}


public extern(C++, (StdNamespace)) struct pair (T1, T2)
    T1 first;
    T2 second;
  • Mangling
  • Vtable / Offset
  • Size
  • Lifetime functions (ctor/dtor/copy/move)


  • Mangling => pragma(mangle, str)
  • Vtable / Offset => Tests
  • Size => Tests
  • Lifetime functions => ref / pointers / wrappers

Testing size

static foreach (Type; GlueTypes)
    extern(C++) ulong cppSizeOf (ref Type);

/// size checks            
    foreach (Type; GlueTypes)
        Type object = Type.init;
        assert(Type.sizeof == cppSizeOf(object),
            format("Type '%s' size mismatch: %s (D) != %s (C++)",
                Type.stringof, Type.sizeof, cppSizeOf(object)));

Testing layout

/// Contains the size and offset of a field within a struct
extern(C++) struct FieldInfo { long size, offset; }

static foreach (Type; GlueTypes)
    extern(C++) FieldInfo cppFieldInfo (ref Type, const(char)*);
/// size & layout checks for C++ structs / objects
    foreach (Type; TypesWithLayout)
    foreach (idx, field; Type.init.tupleof) {
        auto object = Type.init;
        auto field_info = cppFieldInfo(object,

        assert(typeof(field).sizeof == field_info.size,
		    format("Field '%s' of '%s' size mismatch: %s (D) != %s (C++)",
                Type.tupleof[idx].stringof, Type.stringof,
                typeof(field).sizeof, field_info.size));

        assert(Type.tupleof[idx].offsetof == field_info.offset,
            format("Field '%s' of '%s' offset mismatch: %s (D) != %s (C++)",
                Type.tupleof[idx].stringof, Type.stringof,
                Type.tupleof[idx].offsetof, field_info.offset));


#include <map>

template<typename K, typename V>
class Map {
    static Map<K,V>* make ()     { return new Map<K,V>(); }

    V& operator[] (K const& key) { return this->map[key]; }

    void insertOrAssign(const K& key, const V& value) {
        this->map.insert_or_assign(key, value);

    std::map<K, V> map;

// Explicit instantiation   
template struct Map<char const*, int>;

std::map on the other side

extern(C++, class):
struct Map (Key, Value) {
    extern(D) void opIndexAssign (Value value, const Key key)
        this.insertOrAssign(key, value);

    static Map* make ();
    ref Value opIndex (ref const Key key);
    private void insertOrAssign(const ref Key, const ref Value);

How it should be

#include <map>                                             
template class std::map<char const*, int>;
alias MyMap = map!(const(char)*, int);

std bindings

  • Currently in core.stdcpp
  • Will be moved to another library
  • allocator, array, vector, string, exception, memory, string_view, etc...
  • But not map

C++ wrapper code

  • You need it (template instantiation)
  • Your most powerful ally
  • Pass by ref
  • Weird C++ code: wrap throw, return value, etc...

Gradual C++ replacement

  • Replacing single functions is easy
  • Replacing methods is also trivial
  • Easy way to weed-out dependency / improve code quality

Features for C++ integration

  • extern(C++, [class|struct])
  • extern(C++, ident|expression)
  • core.attributes : gnuAbiTag
  • pragma(mangle, str_or_decl, [str])
  • Copy constructor / interior pointers (std::string)
  • DWARF exception handling
  • __traits(getTargetInfo, "something")

What worked for us

  • Good C++ code
  • Extra C++ code from the start
  • Explicit template instantiation or wrapper
  • Pass by ref / pointer
  • Hand-crafted and basic UT
  • -preview=in (const T&)
  • Not using DMD

Slide 5

Disclaimer: POSIX only (MacOS / Windows)

Slide 10

Slide 15

Slide 20

Slide 23